Tuesday, October 2, 2012

I had a bit of a job

to awake this morning. it was blowing a bit and I felt like sleeping in. It was a hard year. Pup though was eager to go, so we went. He was so eager that I had to tie him in lunch time when it was time to boil the kettle. Last year he was just a pup. He is well on his way to becoming a bird dog
Sam now is ready to go tomorrow. It will be his first day since the season opened


  1. Handsome fellow! And dogs do have a way of inspiring (convincing) us to to things we otherwise would not. Such as, at its simplest...live. Hope both you and Sam enjoy tomorrow to its fullest!

  2. Jack says thanks. Yes the dogs get me out more often than I would go on my own. I love bird hunting mainly because of the dogs.

    I walked by some streams today that I should have fished the summer. I live simply in the fall but pay the price the rest of the year.

    Banjo is a good looking fellow as well.


  3. Every time I go grouse hunting in NY, the brush attacks my clothing and skin. I have a permanent set of scratches from October through November. It looks like your hunting areas are pretty brush- and scratch-free. Are looks deceiving?

  4. Michael,
    Our grouse are in the brushy woods but ptarmigan live in open country. I hunt mostly ptarmigan through until mid November then hunt the brush for grouse until the end December. That being said Jack scratched himself up yesterday going through what we locally call tuckamore which is scrub spruce found on the barrens. The ptarmigan get in it at times specially after being flushed.It can be so thick that it is impossible to wade through.Jack has a big scratch on his cornea so a vet visit is in order

  5. Yikes! Sorry to hear that. I suspected that tough conditions were hiding there somewhere.
