Thursday, December 20, 2012

One more day then back inthe woods

I have been back to work a bit now but will be spending most of next week in the woods again grouse hunting if there is not too much snow. I am hoping to get my old Gordon out a bit if the snow gets no deeper. I will be hunting the woods rather than the open barren.Hope to have a few new pictures and am looking forward to the boil ups in the winter woods.I we get more snow I will be after the snowshoe hares.One way or the other if I am alive I will be in the woods.


  1. Whether chasing grouse or hare - good luck!

  2. Have a very wonderful holiday, be Christmas quiet or full of joyful noise (possibly the sound of a sporting gun going off) Here's hoping the best for you and your entire family in the coming year.

  3. Merry Christmas Brigid,
    Hope you and all your loved ones have a wonderful Christmas!
