My daughter is well and I spent the afternoon butchering moose. I have it half done and am just finished cleaning up the grinder and sausage stuffer. I will spend the best part of tomorrow butchering as well. The butchering is not so bad but the sausage making and grinding can tend to go long. Tomorrow is Friday and when the moose is dealt with and safely in my freezer I will have one more week off for ptarmigan hunting then back to work. I will continue to hunt with the dogs on the weekends after I go back to work until the snow makes it too difficult. This can happen at anytime now. Ptarmigan closes mid December and Grouse at the end of December. My dogs are pretty crazy around the house the past few days. They get as wild as I do if I can't get to the woods. I am thinking about heading into a place called the Buchans Plateau or maybe what we call the Bay d'Espoir area for a week.Both are in central Newfoundland and are pretty remote areas. I guess the next time I post will be after I return
I've been on vacation for almost two weeks now and go back to work on Monday. The feelings of dread are indescribable.
ReplyDeleteGood luck on the bird hunting!
Just awoke here and watched the sunrise. I am going out for grouse after my coffee then onto the remaining moose quarters after lunch.
ReplyDeleteNext week I will share your dread. It could be worse though . We could be stuck in a big city somewhere.
Have fun. The grinder was just delivered. Going to try and process myself this year. Has everything on it to do sausage as well.
ReplyDeleteAh the thought of big citys turn ne to jelly! that moose sounds like it's going to be tasty. Good luck with the feathered ones
ReplyDeleteBrigid, I have always cut my own animals except for making the sausage. This year I am doing the works. I help a friend last year with his moose and his sausages turned out great. I like to know what i am eating
ReplyDeleteMurphyfish I have spent extended periods of times in cities and lived in Montreal and Vancouver, I now live in an small village. We are not even a town. I normally hate to go to the city and very seldom do as I work at survival/fire school well outside the city limits. Every now and then though I do get the urge to see the bright lights. The thing is I can handle a city for a while if i can leave when I want. I do have to get out of Newfoundland at least for a bit every year
I would hate working or living in a city again though