The above picture of three ptarmigan is taken among one of their preferred food sources in the fall, blueberries. If you like berries such as blueberries,lingonberries Newfoundland is your place. Picking wild berries is a popular activities for families.
I prefer getting meat myself. The gun is a Beretta Silver Pigeon S and since I was a young boy I always wanted a Beretta O/U shotgun. I remember growing up around birddogs, shotguns and rifles. My Dad always had birddogs and was into hunting and guns. He also shot handguns at the local Rod and Gun club. He encouraged me and took me hunting often. Actually when I was old enough to toddle off behind him he started to take me with him which had a negative affect on his hunting. He had me shooting rifle,handguns and shotguns at a young age. He not only loved to hunt he loved to shoot at various clubs around the province. He had several shotguns but one of my friends dad had a Beretta O/U and how I loved that gun.
My friend would sometimes borrow it from his dad when we took the dogs out after school. I always wanted one and as a teen it was a dream of mine. I finally bought one two years ago. I retired my old Beretta A301 semi and take it out once or twice a year for old times sake. I shot everything with that old gun. Ptarmigan, grouse, geese ducks and even an occasional caribou or moose with slugs. The new Beretta is heavy though for all day jaunts and our weather is hard on any guns finish. The other shotgun I use for bird hunting is a Benelli Ultralight. I had trouble getting used to shooting it it was so light but now can hit with it. Its great on the barrens and in the grouse woods and I have never shot so well on birds so inspite of always wanting the Beretta O/U I use the Benelli more. Its not a nice looking gun in my opinion but it is hard to walk out the door and leave it home.
Maybe I need a Beretta Ultralight O/U
Where would we be without our fathers as mentors! I too prefer to collect my own meat instead of buying it wrapped in sterile-looking-cellophane! Good hunting and be safe! Can't wait to read all about your hunting when you return!