Monday, October 25, 2010

We have been getting out a fair bit and the dogs have been doing well with the birds. The weather has been fair with frequent showers and a bit breezy but today was beautiful and sunny but still a bit of wind. I am afraid that this will be the last year for all day hunts with Duncan the Gordon but he loves getting out. It is time for me to get another dog and i am looking at getting a Gordon for my daughter this spring. Sam is doing well. Last year I hunted the dogs separately most days so I would aways have a fresh dog but this year have been working them together.
3 more weeks left off. Life is good

Still Getting Out There

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Big sky

In the video on the barrens you can see Duncan the Gordon going along but Sam is difficult to see. He gets out there when the country opens up. Next time I will show some pics of the dogs on point. I want to do the best for my dogs after their hard work so I don't get enough photos of the dogs pointing. Hopefully going again tomorrow

As strange as it may seem there are also a great many moose in this country. They lay in the spruce/fir breaks in the valleys where you get brooks and small streams. It used to be good caribou country years ago but numbers have declined greatly in this area

Southern Shore Barrens Cape Race

This is the eastern edge of North America. Big coastal barrens. The pictures don't do it justice

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Beautiful day

Yesterday was a beautiful day on the country. It was calm sunny and warm just perfect for walking. On days like it you feel as if you could walk forever. A little more of a breeze would have helped the dogs more. Duncan the Gordon is still going all day. Pretty good for a 11 year old dog. Sam the English burns up the horizon

Boiling up on the barrens. I boil the kettle most days. When its cooler I use an open fire but on days like today I use a small stove.
Dogs taking a break as I boil up.
Going again tomorrow

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Hoping to get out soon

With the weather and a few other things I was tied up most of last week. I only got out Monday. The dogs and I are restless,the weather looks good hoping to get out quite a bit this week.