Saturday, February 6, 2010

Hunt,fish, eat

We are just coming through a blizzard here on the east coast of Newfoundland but at least its mild. I have been out a fair bit looking for snowshoe hares on weekends and evenings when I can get away but am seeing more signs of coyotes than hares. Hunting has been poor for me this winter meatwise but I had a great fall. I am still eating moose 5 days a week and ptarmigan,hare or waterfowl for a change. I might have a bit of chicken on Sunday otherwise I have eaten nothing but game since November.
I just finished a big pot of Chilindron made with moose. I got the recipe from here is really worth trying as well as the other recipes on this great website. I have been eating this since Thursday night and am sorry to see the last of it go. Tonight I will be having ptarmigan fried in a cast iron pan with olive oil and a bit of garlic with a few pieces of broccoli, cauliflower and leeks. Trout fishing for brook trout through the ice is next. I should really start working on those coyotes as well. I am not keen on shooting if I am not going to eat it but the coyotes are getting very thick here in some places. In one spot they are following me and taking hares from my snares.


  1. Yep - those coyotes sound like they could use some thinning out. It's nice that you get to eat game for most of the winter. I am not in that boat, though I did get some venison from an uncle of mine. Haven't got any rabbits this year either. I guess time has been short.

  2. My policy is: If you shoot an animal, it should be because you are going to eat it, OR because it wants to eat YOU! All animals understand that when they enter another animals territory, there will be danger in doing so. Stealing your hares, is pretty gutsy. I hope you'll stay safe out there! I am enjoying your blog and thanks for the great food site too!

  3. Glad you liked the recipe! I am jealous about the ptarmigan - I've always wanted to hunt them and have never been in a position to get up where they live. Maybe someday.

    That chilindron is especially good with snowshoe hares, by the way...


  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Wandering Owl, I have missed you blog since you move it. Nice work on the new location.

    karen, Glad to have you visiting my blog.

    Hunter/Angler/Cook, I will be trying it with hares next. I was sorry to see the bottom of the pot


  6. Dan, your good story brings back memories of my first hunts. We chased snowshoes with beagles in the Adirondacks. It's amazing how you learn to see their black eyes.

    Stay safe so you can keep us up to date with your exploits.

  7. I used to hunt them a great deal with beagles. A friend of mine had the beagles I had the bird dogs. We both worked on ship so had lots of time for chasing bunnies.
